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Bitter Lessons From The Frontline 3

The WORD teaches us that Moses knew GOD’S ways while the people of Israel only saw GOD’S acts (Psalm 103:7). From this verse we can infer that Moses had an intimate relationship with GOD. Moses was given access into the presence of GOD and insight into the mind of GOD because of who He ordained him to be; the deliverer of Israel. And so it is with some of you dear readers. GOD is giving you advance directives in these installments of BITTER LESSONS FROM THE FRONTLINES so that you know what to expect as He transforms you into a present-day deliverer.


Brace yourself. One of the ways of GOD will be to isolate you during your transformation process. We know this by discerning this pattern in the lives of other GOD-ordained deliverers like Joseph, Moses, Elijah, John the Baptist and the LORD JESUS. Joseph the dreamer was thrown into a pit by his brothers and then sold into slavery to a band of Midianites that later disposed of him in Egypt. While in Egypt, Joseph spent years in prison because he was falsely accused of rape. After Moses was moved by zeal to kill the Egyptian overseer, he ran and lived on the back side of the desert. Had it not been for Jethro the Midianite and his family, Moses would have had no one. There were many days he was alone in the desert with GOD while tending Jethro’s flocks. Elijah the Tishbite favored caves and lived outside of the villages of those to whom he ministered. John the Baptist lived in the wilderness eating locusts and wild honey even though his parents were a part of the temple status quo. The LORD JESUS was led into the wilderness by the SPIRIT for 40 days after being baptized by John. Throughout the LORD’S earthly ministry He spent time alone with the Father.


Periods of isolation in wilderness places should be expected by those the LORD has chosen. The deep work of cleansing, impartation of anointing, and developing faith in GOD alone cannot be accomplished in the midst of a crowd of followers. Holiness, the anointing, and great faith are essential qualities in those chosen to fulfill the call of GOD on their lives.  Expect to look, sound, and behave differently because you’re spending so much time alone with GOD. Anticipate having feelings of alienation from the things and concerns of Earth. Get used to being misunderstood and thought of as strange, not because you’re putting on airs, but because you’re being transformed by the glorious presence of GOD. It’s easy to resent these seasons of isolation and to be angry with GOD for leading you through them. However, when you’re nose to nose with the forces of darkness that hold people in bondage and you cry “LOOSE IN JESUS’ NAME!” and they do, you’ll be thankful.


Don’t believe for a moment that because it’s the 21st century the LORD can’t find a way to unplug you from all your devices and isolate you. He has many tools at His disposal on His work bench. Often the LORD will use what the enemy intends for evil (i.e. rejection, abandonment, or false accusation) to isolate His vessel so that later He can “…save much people alive” (Genesis 50:20, KJV). Even when physical separation isn’t possible the LORD is able to create a scenario using the tool of misunderstanding to separate His vessel. Somebody knows what I’m talking about; although you’re in the midst of people you know you still feel all alone because, “They just don’t get me.”


During this season He hides the chosen one under wraps while He intensively remakes them from the inside out. At the appointed time GOD launches them forth and they burst on to the spiritual scene fully equipped with fresh anointing and greater spiritual authority to accomplish the purpose for which they were created. HALLELUJAH!


“For we are His workmanship, created in CHRIST JESUS unto good works, which GOD hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10, KJV)


DECLARE: “LORD JESUS I may not like it, but I understand now why You have allowed me to be isolated. I receive from You strength and patience to endure this season and the consequences of being transformed. I accept that I will only be truly understood by You and others in whom You have done this work. I fully embrace the call for which You have chosen me. Amen”

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