Personal Development Services
Hello everyone and thanks for visiting. My prayer is that you found something that spoke directly to your situation. If you made a purchase or gave a donation, may GOD bless you for contributing to the birth of this new ministry business!
Feel free to contact me by email with your comments and prayer requests. If you desire to make an appointment for personal ministry you may text me at (347) 497-8221. Face time can be arranged in the "Mara...No More!" Zoom Room at your convenience and in accordance with the scheduling of my other clients.
Please be advised that I am not a licensed therapist. All assistance will be provided using the written WORD of GOD, the agency of the HOLY SPIRIT, and experience I’ve accrued from 25 years of ministry. All communication will be kept strictly confidential with the exception of threats made toward you, me, or someone you mention. In the event of such threats appropriate civil authorities or agencies will be contacted.